Let's Get Literate!

Test your digital literacy skills!

Choose the safest and smartest option in each scenario to successfully get through the day!

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After waking up and getting ready, you realize that it’s earlier than usual and you still have 30 minutes until the bus comes to take you to school. That’s just enough time to watch the new episode of your favorite show! You don’t have access to any streaming services, so you have to watch it on a sketchy website. As you open the webpage, a warning pops on the screen altering you that a virus has been detected on your computer! Luckily, they claim to have the right antivirus software for you. All you have to do is click the download button on the pop up! Your computer has been working fine and you haven’t gotten any alerts like this before, so you’re hesitant to download the software. But, this is a new computer and you don’t want to have any viruses on it, so the software may be a good idea. What do you do?

net.art designed and created by Kate Feder, 2021